Thursday, September 11, 2014

Week Two

This week I got to experience my first Adult Learning class on Monday night which takes place in Stockton's satellite campus in Hammonton, Kramer Hall.  Two of my classmates were attending virtually which made for my first full experience with Blackboard Collaborate.  It was neat  communicating through our headsets but a little weird working on group tasks as I am so accustomed to f2f settings.  At any rate, it was a good first experience and I will only get more used to it, as I too will attend synchronously at times during the semester.

In IT 21st Century last night, we also had some more hands on practice with Collaborate.  Both worksheet assignments- the checklist, and practice sheet were very useful in learning the parts of Collaborate and navigating through each area.  Here's a link for best practices.

Classmate Monica stepped up to the plate by giving the first presentation for Tool Time using Kahoot, a game-based educational platform.  I enjoyed the simplicity of the tool, which allows you to create quizzes and have your audience answer with a mobile device, which we got to do- very cool.

Well that's all for now, till next week!


  1. I agree with you about learning how to get used to class being online instead of f2f. I think we both like f2f a bit more, but it's so convenient to get on Blackboard Collaborate, especially when you're on a satellite campus!

  2. Great link for Blackboard info! I have to agree with you that I prefer f2f but sometimes that isn't possible and having the ability to attend class virtually is a great option!

  3. Great job Dana. You're going to do great. Already off to a fantastic start!
