Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween everyone! While it's not my favorite holiday, I do enjoy seeing pictures on social media of everyone's costumes.  I love the homemade costumes for adults and kids alike rather than the store bought ones; how about a little creativity people!? Thanks to sites like Pinterest, it's easy to get inspired.

Anyway, it's November tomorrow and the Christmas season will be sneaking up- as if it hasn't already. I found a really great list of tech tools that make holiday shopping easier.  I definitely plan to use some of these this year!


  1. Dana, I couldn't agree with your graphic more! The CVS in my town has had an aisle of Christmas stuff as soon as they cleared out the back to school stuff!
    Also, Pintrest is a great resource for tons of things, including creative costumes, recipes, decorations, (I could go on and on). Hope you enjoyed your Halloween!

  2. Hard to believe it's already November and almost Thanksgiving! I loved yours and Andrew's costumes! And thanks for the list of apps...they may come in handy!

  3. Dana, I love that graphic and it is so true. Santa is already at the mall, and the stores are decorated! Soon enough we'll be hearing Christmas music on the radio. :)
